Website Redesign

Independent Contract

Smart girls was founded in 2012 and officially registered in 2015, they are the leading youth women-led not for profit organization. Each year they train and support 150 - 200 young girls and women in their economical programs and train 20 - 30 peer educators to lead community development initiatives engaging 25 - 30,000 young people. Their vision is to see a nation where girls have self-esteem, are engaged, have the ability to make decisions, and create visionary change.

We took this job circa Super Bowl 2019. Our goal was to create striking online content for Wingstop Camarillo & Simi Valley that would draw in a crowd around game day. Focussed on giving this franchise a “larger-than-life” look for their store that had the same impact as the promos of their corporate counterparts.

Wingstop Camarillo & Simi Valley generated a substantial amount of online traction and in-store traffic. The ad set brought forth thousands of impressions, clicks and conversions.
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"We are so excited to showcase our new site, and thankful for all the work you guys have done for us."
Jamila Mayanja
Smart Girls Foundation Uganda

Web Design

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See website here →

Take the long shot. Let's begin today!

The most valuable real estate in a digital world is the screen in front of your customer.

Creating online moments for our partners.

Designing overall layout and aesthetic for websites. Coding sites, landing pages, functional prototypes, mobile applications and  visually pleasing promotional assets that compliment a client's overall web-presence and digital brand.

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